What are Transactions?

Transaction ACID Properties

SQL Server Transactions are used to ensure that a series of statements written to modify data will pass the ACID test that enforces data integrity, accuracy, concurrency, and recoverability of the data in the database. The ACID properties of a transaction are…

  • Atomicity – This ties several statements together to ensure that a series of statements in a transaction either succeed or fail together.
  • Consistent – This is enforced by using transaction logs to ensure that only valid data that has been committed will be written to the database.
  • Isolated – This is enforced by using locks to control concurrency. More specifically to make sure that a record being updated by one statement does not interfere with a separate statement trying to modify that same record or records.
  • Durable – Once again transactions logs are used as a way of recovering data in case of a database failure. The recovery model of your database may also affect durability.

To learn more, check out this post on transactions and errors or this post on transaction isolation levels.

1 Comment on "What are Transactions?"

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